Diet has become a four-letter word that is neither healthy nor sustainable. So, if you’re part of the majority who is resolving not to diet—you’re part of a group of self starters who is interested in living a low carb lifestyle.

Here is some (low carb) food for thought as you start the new year: 

1)    Did you know that nearly three out of four adults are actively managing their carb intake? 

2)    Did you know that although 64% of Americans would like to lose weight, the majority of them don’t want to feel forced to adhere to a program?

When I see people saying they are “doing Atkins,” it is so much better than saying: “I’m on a diet.” After all, reaching your goal weight is not—or should not be—about dieting. It's about changing your body, and your mind-set, permanently and for the better. It is—or should be—actually just the opposite of the start-and-stop process that most people consider a diet.

So, when “doing Atkins”, it’s important to do it right.  It’s a fact. When you're doing Atkins, the goal is to discover your own personal number of carbohydrate tolerance. It could be 30 or 100, whatever it is, it will be your guidance to get the weight off and keep it off.

Atkins was never intended to be a quick fix yo-yo diet. The only way to reverse the weight-loss roller coaster you may have experienced in the past is to follow Atkins the way it was intended. You’ll make it possible for your body to function at its highest level, for a lifetime. You’ll be able to enjoy a fulfilling and healthy diet of fish, poultry, meat, vegetables, natural fats, nuts, seeds, berries, Greek yogurt and, eventually, other low-glycemic fruits, legumes and whole grains.

Avoid refined, sugar-laden junk food, and you’ll be eating the way nature intended. By following this approach, you’ll be that much closer to your goal weight by following a method you can live with. You’ll have more energy and feel better. You’ll sleep better, your clothes will fit better, and you’ll naturally want to be more active without those excess pounds weighing you down.

Want to lower your triglycerides, your cholesterol and your blood pressure? This is the program that does it. Want to protect yourself against diabetes, an increasingly epidemic health risk in this country? Atkins is the gold standard.

I hope I've convinced you. If I have, you’ll never want to stop doing Atkins once you start. Forget about dieting; this is a whole new way of life. And take my word for it: The difference between just living and living when you're really on your game is dramatic

Posted by Colette Heimowitz
Atkins Nutritionist