Appetite can return when you are no longer in lipolysis (fat burning mode). Or you may have added a food that may be causing your blood sugar to become unstable, contributing to hunger or the re-emergence of cravings. Examine what you’ve recently added and determine if it contains sugars or refined grain. Be sure that you are maintaining a regular intake of protein and fat and, if eating more of the acceptable foods assuages your hunger, eat a bit more. If all else fails, stop the most recent additions until you get your appetite under control.
After you have maintained your weight for four weeks, you will have transitioned to the Phase called Maintenance, where you are eating a whole-food diet. On rare occasions, you may be able to indulge in a slice of cake or another dessert, but in general you will continue to avoid products full of sugar and white flour to maintain your weight.
In that case, Atkins is the right approach for you! We help you reach your goals and make a success of your new low carb lifestyle.
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