Natalie Psarombas story

Before she had children, 20-year-old Natalie Psarombas was a svelte 53 kilograms. 5 years and two children later she was devastated when she tipped the scales at 103 kilograms, and counting. Within 10 months, she lost a massive 48 kilograms. And no, she didn’t have surgery.

Name: Natalie Psarombas
Start weight: 103 kgs
Current weight: 55 kgs

“While my family were supportive; they weren’t initially convinced the Atkins approach would work”


Before she had children, 20-year-old Natalie Psarombas was a svelte 53 kilograms. 5 years and two children later she was devastated when she tipped the scales at 103 kilograms, and counting. Within 10 months, she lost a massive 48 kilograms. And no, she didn’t have surgery.

After gaining 30 kilos during her first pregnancy, only losing 10 post-baby and adding more than 30 kilos with baby number two – partly due to polycystic ovarian syndrome, insulin resistance and a raft of yo-yo diets and failed fad programs in between – Natalie’s body image wasn’t in a good place, and neither was her health.

Two weeks after the birth of her second child, that all changed when Natalie’s GP recommended she consider a low-carbohydrate eating plan like Atkins, especially in light of the challenges of weight loss for patients with PCOS and/or insulin resistance.

“While my family were supportive; they weren’t initially convinced the Atkins approach would work, having seen my struggle to lose baby weight before by trying what seemed like every diet on the market. Once the weight began to fall off in the first few weeks they soon changed their minds – I lost 3 kilos in the first week and about 10 kilos in the first month. I think the best part for them was seeing how happy I was within myself for the first time in ages, and soon enough everybody got on board making sure there were plenty of low-carb options available and steering me away from processed, high-carb choices,” explained Natalie. 

Key to Natalie’s success was the fact the program was easy to follow, especially since she was busy with an active 5 year old and a newborn and had no time for preparing fussy meals.

“Eating small amounts every few hours worked well for me as a busy mother, and natural fats and protein kept me feeling full in between meals, eliminating the temptation to snack on sweet treats or fast food.

“I am now 55 kilograms and I never feel like I’m ‘on a diet’. I’ve just made a lifestyle change and the result goes way beyond my success on the scales. I have much more energy, and it’s long lasting, not the kind you get from a quick sugar fix, which is just what I need to run around after the kids.

“For those times when I do need to eat on the run, the Atkins ready-to-drink flavoured shakes are perfect, especially on the school run, and the low-carb snack bars and choc peanut candies taste just like my old chocolate favourites, but without the high-carb count.” 

Not having to give up family favourites, such as pasta, has also been a huge bonus for Natalie, who now regularly dishes up Atkins low-carb penne with bolognaise for the entire family, followed by her favourite baked low-carb cheesecake with a walnut base – the ultimate treat without the next day guilt.

“The Atkins program has helped retrain my body to make good food choices. It’s easy to follow, it gets great results and it’s a lifelong strategy rather than a diet you’re always waiting to finish.” 


*PLEASE NOTE: Results may vary per person

“I am now 55 kilograms and I never feel like I’m ‘on a diet’. I’ve just made a lifestyle change.”