This delicious cheesecake was created by keto guru Aaron Day from Fat for Weight Loss. Using only 4 ingredients (and one of them being our Vanilla Shake mix!), this cheesecake is not only easy to make but super tasty too!

  • Serves:
  • Prep time:
  • Cooking time:
  • Phase:
  • Carbs per serving:
  • 120g Ground Walnuts 

  • 90g Cream Cheese

  • 60g Heavy Whipping Cream

  • 100ml Water

  • 30g Atkins Vanilla Shake Mix

  1. Place the walnuts into a food processor and blend on high for 30 seconds. (alternatively chop with a knife until desired texture)
  2. Mix together the cream cheese, Atkins vanilla shake mix, heavy cream and water in a bowl until well combined
  3. Add the cream cheese mixture over the top of the crushed walnuts
  4. Cover and refrigerate until firm, or eat straight away (just as good)
  5. Optional: add a few sliced strawberries for a pop of colour


This recipe was kindly created by Australian keto guru Aaron Day from Fat for Weight Loss

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