Quick Weight Loss

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Posted by Linda O'Byrne (Atkins Nutritionist)

When creating a diet plan, many people look for quick weight loss as one of their primary aims.

New Atkins will help you achieve this in a controlled way, taking you towards your target safely and, most importantly, helping you maintain your weight once you reach your goal.

Using our four-phase low carb diet plan will ensure fast weight loss is a by-product rather than an overall aim.

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Plan for the Long Term

There are many fad diets out there that promise quick weight loss, and in some cases you may even achieve this. However, research has proved that these dieters are likely to experience what is known as a ‘crash and burn’ effect.

Simply put, if a diet is not properly controlled then the weight will just pile back on as hunger pangs become unmanageable. Additionally, you may find that you only lose water weight or lean muscle, which can potentially damage your health.

At New Atkins, we suggest that it is better to enjoy a diet plan that has a long term benefit. With our plan, you can experience an initial period of safe, fast weight loss and a carefully crafted ongoing strategy that will see good carbs gradually reintroduced to your diet.

This gives you much greater control over your weight, and offers a true lifestyle change rather than a quick fix. What marks us out from other diets is that we will continue to support you even after you reach your target weight, ensuring you don’t pile the pounds back on.

Practical help from New Atkins

For many people, the key to a successful diet is having the practical support needed to maintain their efforts. New Atkins has hundreds of delicious recipes to help you keep your meals interesting and varied right throughout the week.