Try this spooky low carb snack!

  • Serves:
  • Prep time:
  • Cooking time:
  • Phase:
  • Carbs per serving:
  • 5 tbsp butter
  • 100 g. cheddar cheese
  • 70 g. almond flour
  • 2 tbsp golden flaxmeal
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 10 almonds

In a food processor, mix butter, cheese, flax meal, and almond flour until the mixture has the texture of wet sand. Add egg and mix until dough holds together.
Scrape dough onto a sheet of parchment paper. Top with another sheet of paper and pat dough into a 1/2-in. thick circle. Wrap in plastic and freeze 15 minutes, or refrigerate up to 3 days.
Roll dough into a rectangle, working carefully to avoid creases in paper. Return to freezer for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 180C.

Peel off top paper and use a sharp knife to cut the dough into 30 strips. Place each strip on a large baking sheet. Sprinkle with salt to taste, then use your fingers to round the top of each strip into a fingertip shape. Use a sharp knife to score shallow lines in each finger, then press a sliced almond nail into the tip. If you like, bend each finger in places to make it look knobby.

Bake the fingers until an even light brown, about 15 minutes. Transfer to a rack to cool.

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